RCG Women’s Commission admonishes Rastafari Queens and Princesses to uphold Royal Qualities of Empress Menen

Empress Menen Asfaw, Empress of Ethiopia, and Royal Princesses


Happy Earthstrong to Her Imperial Majesty Empress Menen Asfaw our Virtuous and Humble Mother. Empress Menen was born in, (Megabit 25 = April 3rd) 1891 in Wollo province Ambassel Region at ‘Egua’ area from her father ‘Jantirar’ Asfaw and her Mother ‘Woizero’ Sehin Michael. The name ‘Menen’ means the most beautiful respected of ladies.

She was raised well by her parents.  She was educated at home like the former Lords’ and Dukes’ sons and daughters. Empress Menen knew her native language Amharic very well, and she also had excellent reading & writing skills. In addition to her academic education, she learned home economics and spinning as Ethiopian tradition demands. Since she had a very good knowledge of home management, people called her the “Leader of all women”.

Empress Menen was naturally charming and endeared herself to so many hearts of both young and old. Ises unto da Most High. While her husband Haile Selassie I was engaged on the battlefield, among other things Empress Menen established childcare centers and handicraft schools and pursued successful business ventures while always attending to the needs of her family. Thus is the magnitude of exceptional Humanitarian and Royal quality of the Queen whose life and works directly influences the Rastafari Council of Ghana Women’s Commission.

During this era of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, I would entreat every Rastafari Queen and Princess to uphold the Royal qualities of Empress Menen, remain helpful to the Ancients, the weak and the needy in our communities, spread the Royal Conscious education of Our Queen of Queens,  stay active and follow the WHO and Ghana Health Service protocols of social distance, frequent handwashing with soap under running water, use of hand sanitizers, sneezing and coughing into disposable tissues and staying home during the partial lockdown period where applicable and boost your immune system with healthy organic foods including fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not forget to drink a lot of clean water too.

Much love, health, and strength to all Rastafari Mothers and Dawtas both Home and Abroad.

Sista Safi Mawuena

RCG Women’s Commissioner.


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