April 19, 2022

The Editor


On the occasion of the global commemoration of 4/20, the Advocacy Committee of the Rastafari Council, Ghana (RCG) would like to call on the relevant authorities to fast track the process of issuing licenses for the cultivation of hemp for industrial and medicinal use.

This is in view of the fact that since the passage of the bill in Parliament two years ago, not much has been done while our economy reels under the ravages of the Covid-19 pressure and the subsequent challenges posed by the Russia -Ukraine War.

The Rastafari Council, Ghana is therefore calling on the Narcotics Control Commission to ensure that the necessary legislative instruments are placed before Parliament to enable Ghana to benefit from the trade in the green gold and its derivative uses.

Such a step will also go a long way to provide employment for the youths especially in the rural communities and curb the rural-urban migration.

Beyond the current bill that has been passed, it is important that the conversation on cannabis be grounded in science so that eventually, we can stop the counterproductive measure of destroying cannabis plantations which can generate much needed revenue.

The cannabis industry can rake in up to more than $20 million a year in taxes and other sources of revenue from exports and locally produced items such as cosmetics, fuel, candles building materials, textiles, paper, biodegradable plastics and generate energy among others if properly handled.

It is our fervent belief that if properly handled, hemp and cannabis can be part of the solutions to the economic challenges we face as a nation.


Khex Pongo

Chairman of the Advocacy Committee



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