
Our Services & Activities

1. Annual National Rastafari Conference -Registration 2nd March
2. Rastafari Traders Cooperative Registration
3. Repatriation, Citizenship and Resettlement Enquiries


1. Annual National Rastafari Conference 2nd March
2. 4/20 Press Conference April 20th
3. RCC 2 nd Summit Ghana 21st -25th May
4. RCG Executive Retreat 14/15 July
5. RASCUPP GHANA 7th September
6. BSLCCU @ 10 years anniversary Sepetmber 21st
7. 1 st National Cannabis Conference 23rd July
8. Rastafari Unity Gathering 2nd November
9. AARG/RCC Midterm summit 1st -11th November
10. RCG Monthly Meetings 2nd Sunday of Every Month